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Can you bring a mobile version?? 

What is this I see? A platformer action, horror, nsfw game? And the art style is sick? Well I haven't played It yet so I can't review nuthin but this game i'll keep an eye on!

i cant back out of the Options

(1 edit) (+1)

is there any way to remove the game over screen? asking for a friend


Only way to do it is to hit the button to reset the game, however you can download a free program called screenrec and it can take screen shots and even record anything on your computer screen.

(6 edits)

Reading the reviews that are already here it seems like most of them either do nothing but praise it (glazing) or nothing but criticize it (hating). So hopefully this is relatively unbiased

Places where this game is great:

- Graphics are amazing with a unique artstyle that isn't really like anything else, especially with this genre of games that usually have a generic artstyle that makes them all look the same. The one singular complaint I have with the backgrounds in specific places like the jungle don't have a lot of depth, it's just a wall of trees and foliage. It could use some parallax layers to make it feel more dense

- Music is amazing. It conveys a feeling of calm, but in a serious way, like you're on a mission, if that makes sense. All I'm saying is that whoever composed it knows what they're doing. (The guitar half way through the sewer level in the tower goes so much harder than it needs to. (The saxophone in the grasslands is really good too))

- Atmosphere: This game nails atmosphere. Walking through the rainy city has a certain sense of allure and mystery that perfectly fits with what this game is going for (It also fits the comforting vibe of the music). Although, in some places it's lacking. If I go inside a building on a rainy night I'd expect to see and hear the rain hitting the window. Other than that it's great

- Secrets are fun to search for and rewarding to find. Some of them are a little bullshit, but there's always a hint or a clue on where to find them.

Places where the game can be improved:

- Controls are pretty difficult, for a game that can move as fast as this one the controls don't feel as tight as they should be. There's been many times where I've accidentally used an item instead of attacking or using a different item. The movement is surprisingly deep and is overall amazing. Attacking on the other hand, feels like it's missing something. Attacks seem basic and only certain weapons have some sort of a combo.

- Bosses. When it comes to bosses, I love a difficult but fair fight to test how far you've come or to guard a secret. But most of the bosses in this game can be easily beaten by standing at a distance and shooting them. The only boss fights that offer some kind of challenge are the Harpy and Risa bosses. I just wish they could have more 'action', not just a ramped up difficulty. Maybe give us a new attack to surprise us on certain stages of the fight or in tower mode.

With how much I like a good boss fight. I just hope the combination of excellent music and decent (but flawed) design leads the game to having an absolutely amazing final boss. Just remember that it's supposed to be an amalgamation of everything you did leading up to that point. I have high hopes and expectations for both this game and it's final boss 

- General fairness. I like difficult games, but sometimes this game can be a little bullshit. If an enemy can hit you before you're aware of their presence in regular gameplay is bad design. There's a difference between not paying attention and getting grabbed by the plants or floor-ghost and being killed by an enemy that's off screen or while entering a doorway. Also, the checkpoints aren't as bad as people say since you keep your items and know what's in store. The lack of checkpoints before the Oni might seem unfair at first, but if you experiment with weapons it's pretty easy.

- Level design. This is more of a small thing in a few specific areas. The city and sewer are perfectly fine, but the jungle and the field(?) can leave you confused on where to start or go. (Also why would you give us two "keys" to the door in the jungle hub and not give us the rest)

- H-scenes. This is probably why most people are playing the game and they could be improved a bit. The scenes are comprised of only a few frames which is a little disappointing but not a deal breaker. I think just a few more frames for easing would make it look much better. Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of animation style, but with the some of them are just a few too little frames. If the animations don't change I'd definitely say it's worth it to play the game, the aren't bad by any means. As a side note, I don't mind a little gore in my games but damn is the Oni scene a little rough (It's not that bad, but really surprised me). (Also, sometimes a weird contrast between animations, ex. when the Rottenjaw charges you while you're facing towards it the animation is weirdly smooth, but when you're facing away it feels a little choppier).  

Closing remarks:

This game isn't as hard as people say, and I think it deserves some 'glazing'. But if the minor issues are fixed this game can be changed from a 'great' game to an 'amazing' game. Just by looking at the demo by itself I could guess the full game would be about 10 - 15$, but with some improvement you could probably push it to 20. There's definitely a game here, even without h-scenes.

Also, 3 things I'm wondering about: 

1. I can't remember where, but somewhere someone claimed the dev said they only put h-content into the game to get sales. But then it makes me wonder why some scenes are hard to find or are high-effort.

2. I've seen the scene concept sketches on pateron. Are these going to be animated? or just generic images? Even if they're even less frames then the h-scenes.

3. This game has lots of paranormal and folklore enemies in it. So at some point will there be any actual 'horror' elements? Maybe not genuinely scary (though, I wouldn't complain if it was) but something that'll give you a little adrenaline rush. (sexy ghost jumpscare???)


Well thanks for the review, for the questions, the sketches were for cutscenes that won't be in the demo, there will be more horror elements in the later stages.

Put save points right before boss battles and you have a sale once it's finished. Otherwise, no deal.

(1 edit)

Yo, this is about the knife chick boss fight, you're filthy for having her do the sneak attack as the girl in the rain coat, that is absolutely fucking disgusting, because I then have to restart at the last save point...WHICH IS AT THE START OF THE  FUCKING LEVEL, because she one shots you at full health. That is just retarded. You have to climb a building using the buggy wall-jump mechanic, defeat the knife ghost chick (only way is to bring a ton of health packs) do a wall jump over a spike pit that's too wide to jump over and reach the wall, then, to end it all off, you back track to the beginning of the level only for knife ghost chick to one shot you out of nowhere...only for the last save point to be at the start of the entire fucking process. This is not a fun challenge, this is a rage-quit challenge.

The stage is over essentially once you exit the dark area, it can't be completed in the demo. You can use the Light paint you get for other puzzles however.

Based on my gaming, have a few suggestions:

Firstly, I recommend adding more guiding tips. For some hidden items that span across different interfaces (such as the red spray paint in the first level), perhaps you could add some seemingly casual guiding graffiti? Also, at the beginning, I completely didn't understand the game's clearance conditions, which caused me a lot of trouble.

Secondly, I hope you can improve the tower mode. For example, set the entrance somewhere in the story mode, and add some save -- like teleportation points. I played continuously for six hours and finally reached the 25th floor, but I didn't find the green spray paint at all. It seems that I didn't unlock any skins either, and unique weapons (like the grant sword) couldn't be carried into the story mode.

Thirdly, is it possible to allow multiple keys to be bound to the same action in the key-binding section? For example, I'm personally used to using the space for jumping, but the confirmation key is obviously more important.

Fourthly, currently, there is no setting to prevent key conflicts, which may lead to multiple actions being bound to the same key. This might be a bug.

Finally, I think the game is still too difficult at present. It's more difficult than other "relatively challenging" side-scrolling act games I've played before, such as Dead Cells and Hollow Knight. Could you design some difficulty selection options?

All in all, thank you very much for creating this game. I really like the protagonist and your art style. I hope you can continue to develop this game.:D

(AI translator used.sorry for my bad English.)

unplayable on Radeon Mobile laptop. runs 1 fps

(1 edit)

What is a Radeon Mobile Laptop even? I launched the game through Winlator on my phone and it's playable.

Radeon 680M inside the Ryzen 7 7735HS 


Why not make an android for this game . Art style looks great :D

Can anyone help me on how to get the wind paint? I've looked practically everywhere for a way to get it but no luck

Hi, i found air paint in forest location in Tower. As i understand, if you obtain it and finish challenge(for save), you can buy that paint from merchant in city(sry, bad english)

(1 edit)

Good game, but some things need to be fixed. My main issues are the lack of direction and combat. The former I don't expect much from a demo, but the game oftentimes doesn't tell you where you need to go or what to do. I think properly introducing backtracking into the game as a thing you're gonna do would fix it. There are also moves that Kotone can do that aren't introduced to the player, so the player has to figure things out independently. My second issue is the enemies and bosses. I have to admit Kotone due to her sluggishness and large sprite feels clunky but that can be tuned out later on. However, the enemies are often frustrating. Since most of their attacks happen immediately and aren't telegraphed, the player often doesn't have time to react to their moves. I think the worst offender is the ghost girl. When she goes invisible there is no delay for her next attack, which makes dodging her near impossible unless you spam the dodge button. If she had a delay to her attack and maybe a visual effect to catch your eye, that would give the player a chance to dodge the attack. Dodging also feels incredibly awkward due to the fact you can't dodge while moving. I can't talk much about the final boss of the demo since I gave up trying to fight it properly and cheesed it by tanking damage in its hurt box while constantly attacking. I do hope that these issues can be fixed because this game has the potential to be fantastic.

Edit: Auto dash makes the game feel a lot better, should be default.

The jiggles are out of this world

Hi, I have a question, where can I find Risa minigame in this version?

Risa isn't in this version of the demo, the older one had a minigame that she appeared in, but there's a different one here.

(1 edit) (-3)

This game made me feel like slamming my keyboard in, Numerous times.

Janky movement, unresponsive controls, the enemies are more annoying than challenging,
The Puzzles are the worst thing in this game,

Believe what you want but I've only played through the demo; and if the final is gonna be like this, It's not worth buying from my point of view.

In response, I decided to write my full vision of the game:

I can't say the game is perfect, but it's literally demo.

Anyway, 'janky movement' and 'unresponsive controls' - I don't agree. I played the game on mobile and overall it was good (the only problem was with magic because I was releasing the joystick too early, but that's my problem). Even taking into account that I didn't play on a PC, I can't complain about problems with control unresponsiveness.

The enemies are literally no threat, except for the bosses. They didn't even annoyed me. But perhaps it would be better if the enemies actually presented some kind of challenge with interesting mechanics or something else.

Puzzles: obvious and simple. I can't even say that it's a 'puzzle' when you are literally given everything to just make your way to the target. So it's better to explain here why puzzles are 'the worst thing in the game'. For me personally, it complements the gameplay without being too forced, It feels like a natural part that you didn't even think about while playing.


Although it is worth clarifying that there is a problem with the statistics screen. Plus ordinary are too easy (or the main character is just a killing machine).

By the way music is good. Surprisingly good.

I don't know what else to demand from a game like this. Overall I recommend it.

how do you save? like what buttons and where? pls help whenever you can. t

Saving is automatic whenever you exit an area.


Gallery would be awesome! Love the animations but suck at the actual game

When will the gallery be added?This game is very attractive

(3 edits) (+1)

The game is very cool and atmospheric, unlike in other porn games.

But still there is one disadvantage, if you use a 2500x1500 screen, then the picture blurs slightly.

I would like the game to support this resolution, if it is somehow possible.

Игра очень классная и атмосферная, не то что в других порно играх.

Но всё же есть один минус, если использовать экран 2500х1500, то картинка размывается слегка.

Хотелось бы, чтобы игра поддерживала такое разрешение, если это как-то возможно.

(Russian user)

Yoo just wanted to thank you for making this masterpiece. I started playing recently and it really makes my days. Btw how do you meet the harpy character sitting on the railing?

she appears in a couple locations after beating the demo.

(1 edit) (-1)

У меня есть вопрос по трейлеру, где было написано, что HP главного героя 300 HP...

А у меня в игре 100 HP...

Где мне взять столько HP?

Или вы увеличили здоровье, чтобы не умереть во время съемок трейлера, чтобы не переснимать его из-за 18+?


I have a question about the trailer, where it was written that the HP of the main character is 300 HP...

And I have 100 HP in the game...

Where can I get that much HP?

Or did you increase your health so as not to die during the filming of the trailer, so as not to reshoot it because of 18+?

(I apologize if there are errors in the translation, I translated through Yandex.Translate)

(Russian user)

There are special items that increase HP or other stats in every level.


is there any way to make her clothes rip off faster?


After playing the Moon Rhapsody versions a few years back, I've finally gotten the chance to start playing through this, and it's more fun than I was expecting despite how very zoomed in and claustrophobic I thought it might feel from screen shots.

Looking forward to playing more.

This game is so hard. After I beat the ghost girl, for some reason I would die outside or something. And now I am struggling with fighting that boss... Also.. Are there any yuri scenes in this game? Just wondering...

there have new map developer how to open the door there


What's new in 0.3.3?

that i want asking 0.3.3 is new version or just showing


Health Drops from enemies aren't working. Also, not sure if it's a bug or no, but if you are pressing any button (even direction buttons) you can not use the dodge/back dash.

The game is beautiful, but it's just the controls and not being able to see the enemies off-screen, and they can hit you. That's my biggest problem. I died way too many times before I could even see the enemy.

(1 edit) (-1)

The game has crashed when i knocked off a bat into the slenderman (the tall masked ghost guy, idk if its actually slenderman, sry if i made a mistake.)in the ToM, will it be fixed soon?

BTW your art style is amazing and i m really intrested in all these mobs, are there any plan 'bout adding a collection book or sth like that which introduces mob feature and character information in the future?

Edit - It's name is kamenkage(which means a shadow with mask), and i made it to the top floor nvm


What has been updated in version 0.3.2?


Fixes the black screen crash in the tower and minor bug fixes.


(1 edit) (-1)

anyone know how to get risa to show up in hot spring?

edit- you have to fight her in a boss battle first.

how do i get to the forest stuff, i beat rottenjaw and dont know where to go now. i looked at these comments but none really explain how to get to the forest.

Forest area is not available in current version, but there's forest environment in the mist tower, try it

(1 edit)

thank you. now i dont have to go crazy trying to go somewhere that doesn't exist
edit- what floor does it usually spawn on?

It's random now in the latest version, but in the version 0.3.0 the forest enviroment usually appears at very first floor. Btw be aware of the mobs that do not exist in main route such as cockatrice, tentacle trap and karakasa youkai, they are horrible enemies especially when you are lack of ranged weapon in the tower. 

(1 edit)

ight, thx

[thumbs up here]

edit- what can i do to make the tower easier? because im shit apparently :/

Since I suck at this game too, the only reasonable suggestion I can provide is to farm as more potions as you can carry through story lmao, good luck there! 


I was starting to think that you abandoned this game. Really glad to see that isn't the case! Also, are the hitboxes of the enemies smaller than usual? I've noticed it's become a little harder to attack enemies all of a sudden, especially the normal ghouls.


youve got a knife instead of a sword now, so enemies are a little harder to reach

i'd recommend just sliding into normal ghouls now(and enemies with similar health)

(1 edit) (+3)

Slightly frustrating hitboxes coupled with enemies attacking you before you even make it all the way to the next screen make it really difficult to recommend this one. Its good, but it definitely needs some work.

Deleted post

Mist tower maybe?


tbh the game is great but I would love is there was just a bind to dash instead of the really painful and inconsistent double tap.
it's really hard to actually get use out of sprinting because of how inconsistent it is.

Assuming you are playing the current version you can turn on auto dash, or just use a controller with an analog stick.

The analog stick is an auto dash, even when the setting is turned off. Also, the "double tap" window is way too long. When I'm trying to turn around, she'll start to sprint, and I'll fall off an edge because I wasn't expecting the sudden sprint.

Before when you turned around she would come to a stop when dashing, but people complained so I changed it so she now keeps her momentum. Though I see now there's no pleasing everybody at this point so whatever.

With a lot of platformers. They usually have a "Sliding" state. For Instance, say she's dashing and the player turns the opposite direction. With others, they would have a very short "sliding" animation where it slows you down but after like 1/3 of a second, she's back at full speed the other direction. It's easier for the player to adjust and compensate. Only for dashing tho.


controles are terrible and the only discription on how to play the game is arrows on the wall.... really?


The game requires some practice to understand the mechanics, if you want something just to fap to, go somewhere else.

cool lol 

(1 edit)

is there a new condition to unlocking the forest in the story (in 0.3.1)? already went through the sewer boss and the full tower. I'll be honest, I don't remember how it happened in 0.3.

How many floors does the tower has? and what does it exactly give, i've done like 20 floors and only got 1 mana up

25, Skye can bring you up 5.

Not sure if that's the intended interaction (I'd guess not) but entering the save room removes the nekomata form in 0.3.1


You cannot keep the form outside of stages, that is intended.

anyone know the location ò all power ups?

does anyone know where to go after beating the ghost girl? ive been trying to find a way past the colored blocks but nothing seems to work.

You need to go back to second area and unlock second exit using Light Paint.

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