Love it, can't wait for the eventual full release. I think some in-between frames for Kotone would be great, but not vital.
With that being said, I have some questions:
- Is Katana just the same as baseball bat, but with bigger range? Or is there an obstale that requires it?
- There's a potion in the 3rd area if you go left, then down, it's blocked by rocks and you can't stand up to destroy the ones above - is that just not accessible in the demo, or am I just missing something?
- Is there a way to reliably go from standing on a ledge to hanging from it? When I try it, 9/10 I get right back up (I think this is required to get mana stone at the end of first area)
If I may recommend something to the Devs: It would be nice if there were no enemies lurking directly behind passages, for example some of those Oni/Red Zombies in the Sewer-Level.
It's no fun to enter another room and directly get hit by a club (especially if said club reduces your HP to zero so you have to do it all over again).
Either make them wait before they attack a bit longer or place them so that there is enough room to dodge them.
I absolutely love this game! It's so beautiful and ominous, the vibe is incredible, especially with the music, you did a wonderful job! Honestly this game tells a lot, I feel like there's a lot of direction, except for the first part where you break the brick below you by cutting through the wall but other than that I believe the criticism people gave on this game is great and I believe the fact it's erotic isn't anymore prominent than the fact it's a awesome game. (I forgot to mention the OST is unbelievable... It's going to make me cry)
is just sad that its extremely frustrating to play with no direction of what to do or how mechanics work everything you have to learn for yourself
i only made it to the rainbow chest / ice graffiti item which i had to discard the bat for which i dislike having to do..
as for the rainbow chest i couldn't get to it cause i have no idea what your even suppose to do
and then i died to the fish as any range i tried doing just goes over the enemy (yes ik u can aim the graffiti but it would have still missed or i would have taken damage already as its charging at me) and if i try to dash into it i take damage anyways
sometimes i even die cause i couldn't see whats in the next screen.. i feel this game could benefit more if it was one screen then multiple
and jump puzzle are very awkward.. (bat bounce jump)
and one part of the map i thought i got soft locked but it was just abit hard to get back onto the roof (the room where you get mana from a ghost enemy?)
Between this and Moon Rhapsody you've got a good sense of player feedback, makes your games feel good to play. They also cater to my fantasy of being accosted by monsters better than anyone.
The main issues I have are with the level design, level 3 could do with more sign posting so that players know that they're supposed to leave once they have the Light spray can. There's also a problem with enemies camping the screen transitions. Such as the ghost at the top left corner of level 3, it's impossible to get up there without getting hit. The boss's gimmick could do with less random factors, the ghosts not having a consistent trajectory make getting a good hit very touch and go.
Lastly I had a mishap where I discarded the light spray can before reaching the boss and had to go all the way through stage 3 again to get it back. I understand that the levels are built on finding the correct pair of items to get through a level, but messing it up is just a tax on the players time. Perhaps a Resident Evil style item box in the hubs areas would alleviate this.
Overall you got a good frame work here and I look forward to it's continuing development.
I feel like level two could use some more signposting too, as I've yet to figure out how to make the box at the top appear. Neither Fire or Ice Paint works.
I came here looking for what to do after defeating the ghost and getting the light can. You have to return to 1-2? Oof. Yeah, needs some better directions there. Leaving that way resets 1-3, so I thought it was wrong. edit: so where do you put the yellow box? I'm still lost lol. You can't take ghost form out, so several leads are still locked
Though of course, there's room for improvement. First, the double-tap to dash is a bit tough to do. I suggest adding a dash button, like shift or something. Second, the Tower shouldn't share the inventory and wallet with the main game. Sure, sharing stats as they're updated in the main game is fine, but having the items and wallet be affected both ways isn't such a good idea. Future updates should give the tower it's own inventory and wallet.
Overall, a great update, but with lots of room for improvement.
Running isn't actually performed by double tapping despite what it says. Kotone starts running as long as she is already in a walking state and the key/button is released and pressed again. If you actually always tap too quickly it will often fail to work.
NEW UPDATE HECK YEAAAAH. sorry for not joining your patreon. me no have money. i do like your games tho and would love to see future updates in both this game and moon rhapsody bc the gameplay is awesome. take your time in whatever youre planning and sorry for being unable to contribute more. (i WOULD translate the whole game in german if youd allow me to play the whole thing instead of the demo)
if while your playing, you have taken enough outfit damage to no longer have any of Kotone's Chest or Leg clothing (Excluding the Jacket or Boots/Stockings), and you die to a grapple attack from a certain list of enemies, it will play a unique Game Over animation. It only works on a specific list of enemies, not every enemy has a Unique Game Over animation.
Weird question, I've been playin this lovely game for awhile, but I came across a video recently where one of the Game Over animations lasted way longer than they do during normal gameplay. Is there some sort of hidden keybind that extended the animation out like there was in Moon Rhapsody way back when? Can't Wait for the next batch of Levels.
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Love it, can't wait for the eventual full release. I think some in-between frames for Kotone would be great, but not vital.
With that being said, I have some questions:
- Is Katana just the same as baseball bat, but with bigger range? Or is there an obstale that requires it?
- There's a potion in the 3rd area if you go left, then down, it's blocked by rocks and you can't stand up to destroy the ones above - is that just not accessible in the demo, or am I just missing something?
- Is there a way to reliably go from standing on a ledge to hanging from it? When I try it, 9/10 I get right back up (I think this is required to get mana stone at the end of first area)
One of these map connect with SewerBoss Room.
Maybe next version defeats SewerBoss,Kotone will escapes to there.
how does someone cheat this game
Hi Kosmic ! Found a wrong warp where if you defeat L3 ghost girl in her flat, go through the right and come back you get tp'd to L1... (on V0.3.1)
kosmic you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray
If I may recommend something to the Devs: It would be nice if there were no enemies lurking directly behind passages, for example some of those Oni/Red Zombies in the Sewer-Level.
It's no fun to enter another room and directly get hit by a club (especially if said club reduces your HP to zero so you have to do it all over again).
Either make them wait before they attack a bit longer or place them so that there is enough room to dodge them.
nah its ez to avoid them
especially if you get a lag spike or something it’s possible to get hit before the next room even fully loads in
Does anyone know how to get to the tower of mist?
main menu. instead of story you choose the one with the tower image
Are there any other clothes to choose from in this version? I saw this option in the wardrobe, but I don't know where to get new clothes from
Play through the tower
Do you need to beat the tower, reach certain floor (past 10F I presume?) or does it appear randomly?
Pretty good game, I'm really enjoying it. Is there a way to repair or restore clothing without resetting?
Yes, in the wardrobe. For example, after defeating the ghost girl.
Ok haven't got there yet. Thanks.
I absolutely love this game! It's so beautiful and ominous, the vibe is incredible, especially with the music, you did a wonderful job! Honestly this game tells a lot, I feel like there's a lot of direction, except for the first part where you break the brick below you by cutting through the wall but other than that I believe the criticism people gave on this game is great and I believe the fact it's erotic isn't anymore prominent than the fact it's a awesome game. (I forgot to mention the OST is unbelievable... It's going to make me cry)
Very cool, I loved the pixel art! Maybe one day you can publish a well-crafted game that isn't erotic. <3
game looks awesome
is just sad that its extremely frustrating to play with no direction of what to do or how mechanics work everything you have to learn for yourself
i only made it to the rainbow chest / ice graffiti item which i had to discard the bat for which i dislike having to do..
as for the rainbow chest i couldn't get to it cause i have no idea what your even suppose to do
and then i died to the fish as any range i tried doing just goes over the enemy (yes ik u can aim the graffiti but it would have still missed or i would have taken damage already as its charging at me) and if i try to dash into it i take damage anyways
sometimes i even die cause i couldn't see whats in the next screen.. i feel this game could benefit more if it was one screen then multiple
and jump puzzle are very awkward.. (bat bounce jump)
and one part of the map i thought i got soft locked but it was just abit hard to get back onto the roof (the room where you get mana from a ghost enemy?)
overall a pain to play but artstyle is amazing
This was excellent!
Between this and Moon Rhapsody you've got a good sense of player feedback, makes your games feel good to play. They also cater to my fantasy of being accosted by monsters better than anyone.
The main issues I have are with the level design, level 3 could do with more sign posting so that players know that they're supposed to leave once they have the Light spray can. There's also a problem with enemies camping the screen transitions. Such as the ghost at the top left corner of level 3, it's impossible to get up there without getting hit. The boss's gimmick could do with less random factors, the ghosts not having a consistent trajectory make getting a good hit very touch and go.
Lastly I had a mishap where I discarded the light spray can before reaching the boss and had to go all the way through stage 3 again to get it back. I understand that the levels are built on finding the correct pair of items to get through a level, but messing it up is just a tax on the players time. Perhaps a Resident Evil style item box in the hubs areas would alleviate this.
Overall you got a good frame work here and I look forward to it's continuing development.
I feel like level two could use some more signposting too, as I've yet to figure out how to make the box at the top appear. Neither Fire or Ice Paint works.
You get another paint can in the next level that you have to use on that.
I came here looking for what to do after defeating the ghost and getting the light can. You have to return to 1-2? Oof. Yeah, needs some better directions there. Leaving that way resets 1-3, so I thought it was wrong. edit: so where do you put the yellow box? I'm still lost lol. You can't take ghost form out, so several leads are still locked
Neat update. Got lots of stuff
Though of course, there's room for improvement.
First, the double-tap to dash is a bit tough to do. I suggest adding a dash button, like shift or something.
Second, the Tower shouldn't share the inventory and wallet with the main game. Sure, sharing stats as they're updated in the main game is fine, but having the items and wallet be affected both ways isn't such a good idea. Future updates should give the tower it's own inventory and wallet.
Overall, a great update, but with lots of room for improvement.
Looking forward to the next update :D
Agreed,Dash button i prefer SHIFT.
So cleared .3 and the only criticism I have is the double tap to run. Other than that, the tower looks interesting to tackle and crack eventually.
Running isn't actually performed by double tapping despite what it says. Kotone starts running as long as she is already in a walking state and the key/button is released and pressed again. If you actually always tap too quickly it will often fail to work.
I didn't dream, did I? This game has been updated!
NEW UPDATE HECK YEAAAAH. sorry for not joining your patreon. me no have money. i do like your games tho and would love to see future updates in both this game and moon rhapsody bc the gameplay is awesome. take your time in whatever youre planning and sorry for being unable to contribute more. (i WOULD translate the whole game in german if youd allow me to play the whole thing instead of the demo)
How do you get the box to appear in stage two?
I find myself having to play using a flight stick since I can't be assed to unplug it. Here we goooo
I'm so happy about the new version, words can't describe the moss of emotions. I have never seen a more beautiful game.
Mist Tower , Captured & Defeated by “tentacle trap”,Kotone vanished and Game crashes。
aaaaaaaaaaah obra maestra señores
Can't see Download link
игра мертва? обновы не было 2 года...
No one really knows
Will either of your games have impreg?
Nice game and i’m waiting new demo.
Btw will you change grab mechanics to “continuous sex & damaged”? just like MR 3.0.0
The mechanics have changed, but not like MR's.
Is the other demo dead? Seeing 2 years no updates makes me think so... just looking for confirmation from the creator on this matter.
Kosmic is still working on the game, but the demo is still a demo. So it won't be getting much attention unlike the full game!
Oh okay thank you. This makes me hopeful again
Yes, but very slowly, many things I feel have to be reworked or else removed entirely. I don't want to talk about it much.
No worries, take your time and make the best game possible!
Can you make the scenes longer and make less armor
anyone got a guide im lost in sewers
Guide this should help you out! Technically just my playthrough of the game, but it should help you get through the sewers and more!
Thank you for this amazing game, I've played Moon Rhapsody too but I didn't get that far. If the full version is paid then you can have my money.
The moment it said demo i'm pretty sure the game is paid for the the best experience which i can see if you do this for a living
uhm....still dont have new update yet? I've been waiting it for so long...
This demo isn't going to get frequent updates, it will later at some time this year.
uhm....ok i guess i have to countinue waiting==
how i acces the gameover animations since they dont appear do i need somight first?
if while your playing, you have taken enough outfit damage to no longer have any of Kotone's Chest or Leg clothing (Excluding the Jacket or Boots/Stockings), and you die to a grapple attack from a certain list of enemies, it will play a unique Game Over animation. It only works on a specific list of enemies, not every enemy has a Unique Game Over animation.
How can you check?
Weird question, I've been playin this lovely game for awhile, but I came across a video recently where one of the Game Over animations lasted way longer than they do during normal gameplay.
Is there some sort of hidden keybind that extended the animation out like there was in Moon Rhapsody way back when?
Can't Wait for the next batch of Levels.
From what I remember, its the down arrow key which extends it. It can only extend the grabs that lead to a game over, and it won't last indefinitely.
Since I know people will just keep asking, it's jump or attack.